Traditional Medical “Scopes” (Dermoscopes, Endoscopes, Clinical Microscopes) are simple magnifying lens systems. Their most advanced versions integrate digital imaging technologies, offering several advantages in documentation and communication.

Clinical inspections with contemporary Scopes are limited by their three-color detection principle of both, the human eye and color imaging systems. Early pathologies often escape the attention of the examiner or are perceived with low contrast, raising diagnostic uncertainties.

QCELL’s Spectral View technology replace conventional color camera-based medical endoscopes and microscopes with our advanced Spectral-Vision Scopes, offering incomparable diagnostic power. You would be able to see the chemistry behind the colors and to become instantly informed about early signs of disease.

See the invisible at a glance with QCELL’s advanced Spectral Scopes

Traditional Medical “Scopes” (Dermoscopes, Endoscopes, Clinical Microscopes) are simple magnifying lens systems. Their most advanced versions integrate digital imaging technologies, offering several advantages in documentation and communication.

Clinical inspections with contemporary Scopes are limited by their three-color detection principle of both, the human eye and color imaging systems. Early pathologies are often escape from the attention of the examiner or are perceived with low contrast, raising diagnostic uncertainties.

QCELL’s Spectral View technology replace conventional color camera-based medical endoscopes and microscopes with our advanced Spectral-Vision Scopes, offering incomparable diagnostic power. You would be able to see the chemistry behind the colors and to become instantly informed about early signs of disease.

See the invisible at a glance with the QCELL’s advanced Spectral Scopes



Surgical/Clinical Microscopy